Click to download ER™ Preparedness Guides - how to prepare, survive, and recover from natural disasters.

Earthquake | Prepare For An Earthquake
Preparing for an unpredictable, potentially devastating earthquake may seem like an act of futility; however, there are actions you can take to mitigate severe injuries and even property damage in the event the “big one” hits. Read our Earthquake Survival Resource Pages for information on purchasing the right survival supplies, securing household items, and how to prevent serious injury when the earth starts shaking.  
Prepare for an earthquake

Hurricanes are powerful forces of nature capable of causing widespread destruction and loss of life across entire states and coastlines. No other severe weather event in the U.S. has the capacity to create such intense, far-reaching damage. Fortunately, science has the capability to predict the severity of hurricanes days in advance giving you and your loved ones ample time to prepare and evacuate if needed. Use our resources pages and Hurricane Survival Guide to get a head start in preparing for these dangerous, costly, and deadly storms.
Prepare for a Hurricane

Forget The Wizard of Oz notion that "twisters" only happen in Kansas. Tornadoes, birthed by intense thunderstorms, have been reported in every state and have been known to occur throughout the year. Knowing what to do during a tornadic storm is not as obvious as one might think. Read on for advice on how to prepare for a tornado both indoors and out.  
Prepare for Tornadoes

House Fires
Fire is one of the most common disasters that could impact you and your family. On average, 7 people die in U.S. home fires every day according to the National Fire Protection Association. Tragically, the majority of these deaths could have been prevented by a working smoke alarm. Minimalize your risk of death from fire by following the simple steps outlined in our guides. Then, ensure your family is prepared by completing every item on the ER™ Fire Evacuation Plan.                                
Prepare for a Fire
Earthquake Preparedness Kits

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Hurricane Survival Kits

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Severe Weather Survival Kits

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Evacuation Go-Bags

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